To be honest, I wouldn’t stay in one place for too long. The world is too big with so many places to see and people to meet and to discover…
But this is how I see the time between the moment I discovered my passion to travel and the day I finally managed to travel outside my home country. A period of drought but at the same time, a time of accumulation.
Watching Ian I discovered a small part of the world and I decided I wanted to discover the rest of the world by my own.
Why 7 years? Because it took me exactly 7 years to leave Romania for my first trip abroad.
One of the happiest days of my life in this 7 years? The day I managed to get my passport; it wasn’t that easy – two days of queuing, lots of nerves and skipping classes. But I knew that, starting from that day I would fill the pages of the passport with visas. Each country would have its own story, adventures and, not lastly, people I would meet during my travels, people who would change my views of the world, who would travel with me, guide me, welcome me in their homes and teach me the way of their ancestors… People who would open my eyes to the world and teach me how to become a better me. That is what traveling is all about for me.
Let the journey begin!