About 1.390.000.000 results in less than 13 seconds on Google. It seems there is even a song named this way. And some other funny related chords by google: when are you ready to buy a home,when are puppies ready to go home, lord i ready to go home. Well, I am not ready to buy a home; that will be the final end of the life I want and imagine to live, till one point.
I did not put myself in this question. I even thought about being ready or not. I only knew the returning date and that’s all. I believe first time when I got home after first major travel, 2 months in Asia, I wasn’t ready at all. One month of semi-depression followed; it could have been due to the harsh winter and coming from a lovely, paradisiatic island in Cambodia.
I was asked the question by 2 different persons. Telling them that my African journey will soon be coming to an end they asked me: are you ready to go home? First, I laughed a bit; why should I be ready? Flight is booked, everything is almost the same back home; friends and family waiting for me.
After the second person asked me again, same question, I started to doubt..
I am really ready to come back? To start the life before the traveling? To work, to do domestic things, to do normal things that normal people do?
Started to have second thoughts and thinking If I took the right decision to stop traveling; at least for the time being. Don’t promise to you anything in 2 years time.
I think I am ready for the comfortable life; coming back home to the same place, going out with friends, music, concerts and not changing every 3-4 days the location and the bed.
I am not sure If I will be ready for the city life. At least at the beginning. After some time I will probably get used to it again.
Ready because my new challenge will be waiting for me when I will arrive home after almost 7 months of traveling in Africa. And another huge challenge living in my own and trying to keep me alive; cooking of course, I mean.
Afraid of going back? No quite; cause I know that going back again on the road to be a matter of months or years for another long Round The World Trip.
I am ready to go home cause I am a bit tired of traveling; well that sounds crazy, no? Traveling is fun, but can be exhausting too; especially when you are traveling alone. I think I am tired not of traveling, but of traveling alone.
Didn’t find my home in Africa. Zanzibar could and can be. But maybe I did not search well enough back home. Will definitely give one more last chance.
Every journey has an end. Everything at some point ends.