Great Britain

Experience The Best Of Great Britain By Going For These Travel Adventures


Thanks to the mesmerizing view of the countryside, award-winning beaches, and warm culture, the tourism industry in the UK is estimated to cross £257 billion by 2025.

This pretty much sums up that the UK has a lot to offer to its visitors, which is why many tourists look forward to their stay in the country.

So, if visiting Great Britain has always been on your bucket list and now that you just can’t wait to cross it off, there’s something you need to know.

Vacationing in Great Britain is definitely a lifetime experience, and you must make the most of it.

That being said, here we have some amazing travel adventures for you to consider trying in order to experience the best of Great Britain. It’s more like living in the moment so that you get to go home with some unforgettable memories.

Read closely to prepare your very own checklist to enjoy your trip to Great Britain.


Yorkshire Great Britain
Yorkshire Great Britain

For those who don’t know, the United Kingdom is famous for rolling hills and impressive mountain peaks, along with idyllic landscapes and rugged moors.

The UK has around 15 National Parks ranging from the wilds of Exmoor to the high drama of the Lake District and Peak District. You can even take a sneak peek at the Hay meadows and wildflowers in Yorkshire Dales.

Besides witnessing the breathtaking views of the serene landscapes and greenery, you would even get to enjoy your nature-immersive walks and breathe in the fresh air.

For this, you can always consider booking an airport taxi service that can help you get through with all your schedules seamlessly right after you land in the capital.

The only thing you need to keep in mind with this is to stock up on some packed lunch and refreshments while setting out for some of the finest National Parks of the UK.


  • Decode the theory of Stonehenge


Visiting Great Britain would be incomplete without taking a trip to see one of the mind-blowing wonders of the world- Stonehenge.

This famous prehistoric stone circle is located in Salisbury Plain. No wonder the site attracts millions of tourists every year who can’t help but scratch their heads to figure out the placement of those magnificent stones.

Some believe that it is an ancient burial ground once used for sacrifice. In contrast, others believe it was originally built by a band of giants. Everyone has their own logic behind the stone placements, but the truth remains undiscovered till date. So, visit the site and come up with your own theory behind the placement of those marvelous stones.


  • Experience the charm of magic on the Cornish coast

    Visiting Great Britain
    Visiting Great Britain


Cornwall is actually the south westernmost country in England and is incredibly famous for its beautiful beaches and Cornish pasties. It is also the warmest area of England, experiencing year-round sunshine.

But there is something mysterious about the misty cliff tops and atmospheric moors of Cornwall. The site is associated with multiple myths and legends. In fact, many travelers end up falling for those magical charms after their trip to Tintagel.

Not to mention, you would also get a chance to witness the impressive ruins of castles that create a dramatic stretch on the coastline. The site is originally linked to the romance of King Arthur.

Afterward, you can even pop along the coast and visit the tiny village of Boscastle. There you will get to visit the famous Museum of Witchcraft and Magic. Imagine how cool it would be to look at the largest collection of objects related to the world of magic.


  • Go seal-watching at Blakeney Point in Norfolk.


If you can’t help but adore the serene marine life, then watching seals on the north Norfolk coastline can bring a sense of subtle adventure to your trip.

You can consider heading to Blakeney and looking at those pretty sand dunes, adoring the seal population, and searching for the area’s salt marshes.

In fact, you can also visit the National Nature Reserve, which is considered as a home to a thriving grey seal colony.

The best part is that you will get to see some delightful creatures along the way, which includes thousands of seal pups, from a safe distance, of course. All you need to do is rent a boat from Morston Quay.

And yes, you will also get to explore those pretty villages of Blakeney, Stiffkey, Cley-next-the-Sea, and Wells-next-the-Sea, once you get back on dry land. That’s so cool.


  • Follow in the footsteps of giants.

Visiting Great Britain Causeway
Visiting Great Britain Causeway

If you just can’t get enough of the beaches and water, then you need to add the Giant’s Causeway to your travel bucket list to the UK.

You’ll be surprised to know that this geological marvel located in Northern Ireland is a dramatic coastal feature that has been attracting visitors for centuries. It is made up of 40,000 basalt stone columns which make it Northern Ireland’s first and only UNESCO world heritage site.

The best part of visiting Giant’s Causeway is that there are no museum ropes holding you back. So, you can wander over those shiny stones and even relax on the Wishing Chair.


  • Go seashell hunting on the tallest mountain

Snowdon Mountain
Snowdon Mountain

For people who just love going on a hike with their buddies on their vacation, then going seashell hunting could be the best travel option for them.

And visiting the top of Mount Snowdon would be cherry on the top. Obviously, because it is the tallest mountain in England and Wales.

For this, all you need to do is put on your walking boots and get on the pathways to climb your way to the summit. The only thing you need to keep in mind with this would be to watch out for fossilized seashells. Do it right, and it would be one of the best and unique things to do in Great Britain.


Wrapping up,

Hopefully, the checklist will help you enjoy your trip to the English countryside and experience the best of Great Britain. Now, all you need to do is pack your bags and set off with this checklist in hand.


by Sorin

Sorin is a freelance travel writer. He is an experienced travel writer and traveller. Since 2012 he explored more than 60 countries on 4 continents: Asia, Europe, Africa and North America. Currently is based in Romania after spending the last 7 years in Myanmar.