31 Days of Blogging Challenge: Day 8: Top 3 Favourite Pictures

I can do it! Choosing only 3 favorite photos, all timed. I probably have at least 10 favorite photos on each country I visited. That makes more than 300 photos! And you make me choose only 3? It’s not fair!

The below photo is not my favorite from Africa; probably those with the kids are. But what I love about this photo is the hidden silence. The roar of the lion can be heard; he was in pain cause he was hurt from a fight with another lion.. You can literally hear the pain from these photos!

lion serengeti

The second comes from Laos. The picture has a story. The young girl traveled with as in a tiny bus; it was a family of 4 and they barely managed to pay the bus ride. On a stop I gave her some bananas and they way she thanked me, with the hand bow..that moment is forever kept in my mind!

lao girl

I wanted to choose at one photo from each continent. Europe was one of the hardest. In the end I picked this photo taken in Barcelona. It truly represents me; with a map, at a cup of coffee, planning the next adventure!

sorin barcelona

Which one do you like the most?

by Sorin

Sorin is a freelance travel writer. He is an experienced travel writer and traveller. Since 2012 he explored more than 60 countries on 4 continents: Asia, Europe, Africa and North America. Currently is based in Romania after spending the last 7 years in Myanmar.